Chess Middlegame Planning


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Model Name: B0004AC

Every chessplayer hopes to make brilliant moves which will overcome the opponent in a blaze of glory. But such combinations come into being only as a result of proper planning, as demonstrated in Chess Middlegame Planning. The lucid and penetrating analysis of the games in this volume demonstrate the imagination and creativity necessary for proper handling of the central stage of the game. The discussions of the stages of a plan, the significance of the center, proper play with “hanging” pawns, and the significance of the two bishops are of enormous, practical value.

International Grandmaster Kotov called Chess Middlegame Planning “one of the best books in the world’s chess literature” and affirms that in it Master Romanovsky teaches “not only the fine ideas of modern technique, but the evolution of chess ideas and the history of the game.

Publisher: American Chess
Author: Romanovsky & Adams
Year of Publication: 1993
Pages: 232
Notation Type: Algebraic (AN)

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